The following Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports members have
qualified for the 2024 State 4-H Shoot in April. 

Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports 2024 season is well under way.

The Shooting Sports program offers multiple disciplines in guns and archery. The gun disciplines include BB Gun (BB), Air Pistol (AP), Air Rifle (AR), .22 CMP Rifle (22CMP), .22 3-Position Rifle (22-3P), .22 Pistol (22P). Archery disciplines include Compound Bow Without Sights (CWOS), Compound Without Sights with Release (CWOS-R), Compound With Sights (CWS), Compound With Sights with Release (CWS-R), Recurve Bow With Sights (RWS), Recurve Without Sights (RWOS), and Compound Open (C-Open).

In many of the disciplines there are different requirements, positions and/or shooting distances depending on the age level.

Beginner participants, ages 8-10
Pete Anderson - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Nolan Enfield - BB Gun
Garret Goral - CWSR
Jocelyn Grassel - CWSR
Paul Hansen - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Hannah Hinker - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Bryce Hjelm - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Emerson Johnson - Air Pistol, BB Gun
Kash Kilcoin - RWOS, CWSR, RWS
Levi Larson - Air Pistol
Sullivan Licht - BB Gun
MaKenzie McGuire - BB Gun
Tyus Moody - BB Gun, Air Pistol, CWOS, CWOSR, RWOS
Adriana Moran - BB Gun, Air Pistol, CWSR
Olivia Murray - BB Gun, Air Pistol, CWS
Olivia Peterson - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Summer Senska - Air Pistol, CWOSR
Alice Sheldon - BB Gun
Harper Torgerson - BB Gun, Air Pistol
CCade Wilson - BB Gun, CWSR

Junior participants, ages 11-13:
Paige Anderson - BB Gun, Air Pistol, CWSR, 22 Pistol
Corbyn Broer - BB Gun
George Broer - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Ty Burkel - BB Gun, Air Pistol, Air Rifle
Adalie Enfield - BB Gun
Wyatt Ettswold - BB Gun, Air Pistol, CWSR
Camdyn Fink - BB Gun, Air Pistol, CWOS
Levi Hinker - BB Gun, Air Pistol, 22 Pistol
Anna Hunter - Air Pistol, CWOS
Addison Kilcoin - BB Gun, CWOS
Timothy Kelly - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Jason Larson - BB Gun
Ethan McGuire - BB Gun
Hayden Mees - CWSR, C-Open
Tanse Moody - BB Gun, Air Pistol, 22 CMP, CWS, CWSR, CWOS, CWOSR, RWOS, RWS
Owen Moran - BB Gun
Gavin Scofield - Air Pistol
Coletan Schlicht - BB Gun
SJ Schlicht - BB Gun

Senior participants, ages 14-18:
Lane Burkel - BB Gun, Air Pistol, Air Rifle
Carter Christian - CWOSR, C-Open, CWSR
Parker Ettswold - BB Gun, CWSR
Eli Fry - BB Gun, Air Pistol, 22 Pistol
Waverley Hagman - CWSR, CWOSR
Whitney Hagman - CWSR, CWOS, CWOSR
Samuel Hansen - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Sophie Kelly - BB Gun, Air Pistol
Caleb Kneen - CWSR, RWS
Riley Kneen - CWSR, RWS
Alex Schelske - Air Rifle, 22 CMP, 3-P 22
Shiloh Senska - Air Pistol, CWOS
Cole Wilson - BB Gun, CWSR



Audra Scheel, 4-H/Youth Advisor
Sherryl Rankin, Secretary

 Phone: (605) 796-4380

PO Box 397
Woonsocket SD  57385-0397


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